Summer 2024

A First Look

A calm pond at nearby Windy Hill Preserve; photo by Pr. Bernt.

A look back to Easter …

We’re coming upon Trinity Sunday, which takes us from the Easter season to Green season.  I’ll remember these past weeks as a time of lovely baptismal hospitality: Confirmation for Madeleine, Soren and Dolly; welcoming Sandie, Mark, Katie and (this Sunday) Alec through Affirmation of Baptism; and Baptism itself for Jeff and Prikshet.  These folks already bless us with skills in music, birding, tech and social media; with experiences, personality and presence.

Christ Our Calm - Green Season part 1, June 2-July 7

At least for our kids, the end of the school year comes about when Green season (Ordinary Time) begins.  We’re craving rest and a slower pace of life, which fits nicely with the scripture on June 2: God’s gift of sabbath rest for healing and flourishing.  A theme in the gospel readings (Mark) from June into July is Jesus’ gift of a strong calm: like a tree giving birds room to next (June 9), or as when Jesus stills a storm a sea with his voice (June 16).  During these weeks we’ll use simple, melodic and celtic liturgical songs.  

Christ Our Peace - Green Season part 2, July 14-August 25

From July 14 and into August, we’ll hear most of the grace-filled book of Ephesians.  Liturgical music will shift to include beautiful songs from various parts of the world, including a familiar gospel acclamation from Zimbabwe and Holy Holy from Finland.  Ephesians begins on a global and cosmic scale, celebrating how Christ brings distant people together - clearly an important message for our country and world.  In place of the Lamb of God at communion, we’ll sing: “Christ, Our Peace, you break down the walls that divide us; Christ, Our Peace, come make us one body in you.”  

Other Goings On this Summer

Please help provide music this Summer!  We can support you - and we love hearing different voices, vocal and instrumental.  Here’s a signup.  On June 2 you can join us after worship to do some planning for Summer.  But here’s a few things: One special event already in the works is planned for Friday, June 14: a special picnic with campfire in our own backyard (and songs, and s’mores - details TBA).  Soon we’ll also announce a camping date for the fall.  On July 21, the council will gather the congregation for some conversation about goals its setting and opportunities ahead of us.  

by Pastor Bernt.